does homeowners cover frozen pipes

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Frozen Burst Pipes?

Legal AssistantPersonal Injury Law, Real Estate Law

Contrary to their snappy jingles and marketing slogans, many insurance companies have amassed huge profits simply by denying the claims of the people they insure. These practices are not simply confined to auto insurance companies, but rather exist in many other industries where insurance is necessary. For example: homeowners’ insurance. The State of Texas recently experienced winter weather that had ...
sue an insurance company featured

Can You Sue an Insurance Company?

Legal AssistantBusiness Law, Resources Leave a Comment

Insurance companies play an active role in our everyday lives. If you own a home or a car, chances are, you have an insurance company. Insurance companies have the right to refuse approval of your insurance claim; however, they have to provide proof for choosing to deny. If your insurance company has denied your claim, you have the option to …