If you think estate planning sounds like the sort of thing reserved for the rich and famous, you couldn’t be more wrong. The word “estate” as used here doesn’t mean what you think it means at all. It has everything to do with who inherits your assets after you’re gone. For most people, discussions that have to do with their …
What You Need to Know About the 2020 California Privacy Law
Before diving into the California, Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) here’s an interesting tidbit for you. Did you know that the human brain receives and processes 400 billion bits of information every second? That’s 50 gigabytes of information in just one second. For context, think about how much information you would need to store to fill up a 50GB hard disk. …
Why California Assembly Bill 5 (AB5) Affects Everyone
If you are a gig worker, then you know all too well the void you feel when you’re “in-between” gigs and the exhilaration that follows when you land your next assignment. It’s almost like being on a trapeze, but without the safety net below. But, despite its ups and downs, you wouldn’t trade it in for a corporate nine to …
Who are the Best Lawyers in Houston in 2019?
Should you ever find yourself in any legal battle, one of the most prudent things you can do to give yourself the best chance of coming out on top is to find yourself the best lawyer for your particular situation. There are very many different kinds of lawyers in Houston. Just as is the case with everything in life, some …
What Is a Gun Trust?
Made a mistake when inheriting an Individual Retirement Account (IRA)? Then this could mean facing the music by dealing with tax consequences. Likewise, if you make a mistake when inheriting gun collection, then you could be slapped with the grim reality of felony charges. And, that’s the last thing you need. So, to avoid resigning yourself to this fate, an …
What’s the Difference Between a Trademark, Copyright, and Patent?
A trademark, copyright, and patent are perhaps one of the most important assets to your business. They represent the different types of intellectual property (IP). If you are a business owner, you need to get familiar with them. When most people think of the term “property” the first thing that comes to mind is a tangible asset – usually real …
Best Intellectual Property (IP) Lawyers
Contrary to what you may believe, protecting your business’ intellectual property (IP) doesn’t stop at registering with the Copyright Office or the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Defending your intellectual property rights is an ongoing process that will continue well into the future. Given how obscure a legal concept IP is, it’s best left to those who properly understand …
Can I Sue Someone for Recording Me Without My Permission?
We live in the digital age where we feel compelled to record interesting things we see going on in the world around us. But before you whip out your phone to start recording, you should consider the legality of it. So, if you’re wondering, “Can I sue someone for recording me without my permission”? Read on. Federal Wiretap Act The …
Be Wary of Your Insurance Lawyer
Insurance companies exist to soften the blow of an otherwise difficult or catastrophic situation. They provide a safety net in the form of monetary compensation if you or a loved one suffers a loss, accident, medical emergency, theft, or property damage. You trust them to live up to their promise to be there for you when you need them the …
How to File a Complaint Against a Lawyer
When you hire a lawyer to represent you, you expect them to conduct themselves professionally at all times. However, they are human and are, therefore, not beyond reproach. While you can overlook some mistakes because they’re easily fixable, there are some which could cost you your case. If your lawyer fails to live up to their ethical obligations to you …