Winter storm causes millions of Texas residents to go without gas or electricity

What Is ERCOT – The Texas Power Grid Explained

Legal AssistantAdministrative Law, Business Law, Regulatory Law

ERCOT has come under fire in recent months for the mass power outage experienced in several parts of Texas earlier in the year. According to the grid operator, this widespread outage was attributed to a surge in demand for electricity that resulted from the extreme weather conditions witnessed in the weeks leading up to the blackouts. What is ERCOT, and …

Can Gun Manufacturers Be Sued

Can Gun Manufacturers Be Sued?

Legal AssistantBusiness Law, Consumer Law, Mass Torts, Personal Injury Law

Nearly every sector of the American economy could potentially face civil and product liability lawsuits if they’re found culpable. This has been used as a way to keep irresponsible manufacturers and rogue retailers in check. As with all things, however, there is an exception to that all-important rule, and that’s the gun industry. In 2005, Congress enacted the Protection of …

Builder working on top

How Long Is a Builder Liable for His Work?

Legal AssistantBusiness Law, Personal Injury Law

You’ve recently moved into your new home. Your local municipality, city, or town had a building inspector check that everything was built to code before issuing a certificate of occupancy. As far as you were concerned, that meant your new home was safe for occupation at the very minimum. Unfortunately, this may not always be the case. An inspection certificate …

Drilling Rig Accident

Who Is Liable In a Drilling Rig Accident?

Legal AssistantBusiness Law

If you make your living working on an offshore oil rig, you know it ranks among one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. The constant exposure to highly combustible materials, alongside the proximity of heavy equipment and slippery decks, means that the risk of serious and often life-threatening accidents is significantly higher compared to other occupations. One of …

Car Defect Causes a Fire or Accident

What Happens if a Car Defect Causes a Fire or Accident?

Legal AssistantBusiness Law

Every year, an estimated 189,500 vehicles in the United States experience car fires. These result in close to 1,200 injuries, 300 deaths, and more than $1.1 billion in property loss and damages. A huge portion of these accidents occurs in vehicles with diesel or gas engines, although the number of incidents involving electric cars is also on the rise. While …

Beautiful female lawyer on retainer

What Does It Mean to Have a Lawyer on Retainer?

Legal AssistantBusiness Law

If you’re thinking of hiring an attorney for your business, the first thing you’ll need to do is “retain” them. This is the term used to describe the process of creating an attorney-client relationship with that particular lawyer and involves paying a lawyer retainer fee in exchange for legal representation. A lawyer retainer is most useful for individuals and businesses …

What Is a Contingency Fee?

Legal AssistantBusiness Law

You’ve likely come across ads on television with a dashing attorney in a tailored fit suit saying something along the lines of “…we don’t get paid unless you do…” If you’re currently in the middle of a sticky legal situation with limited financial resources to fight it in court, ads like that sound extremely promising. What you may not be …

Vehicle Recall with sign on the piece of paper

Vehicle Recall Laws – What Is a Vehicle Recall?

Legal AssistantBusiness Law

According to Title 49 Chapter 301 of the United States Code, motor vehicle safety is defined as the performance of motor vehicles or vehicle equipment in a manner that safeguards the public against the unreasonable risk of accidents that may result in injury or death, stemming from a defect in their construction, design, or performance. In the best-case scenario, car …

Tesla Autopilot Crash

Tesla Autopilot Crash: The Future of Autonomous Vehicles

Legal AssistantBusiness Law

In 2015, the Guardian made a rather bold prediction that road users would become permanent backseat drivers by 2020. While there certainly has been tremendous growth in the autonomous vehicle industry, the leading names in tech still have a long way to go before self-driving cars replace human drivers entirely. Fully autonomous vehicles are still largely out of reach except …

What Is Wire Fraud

What Is Wire Fraud?

Legal AssistantAdministrative Law, Business Law, Criminal Law, Regulatory Law

Wire fraud is one of the most common crimes federal authorities prosecute on a day-to-day basis. It involves a carefully woven scheme to defraud an unsuspecting victim of money or property. A criminal will typically employ some means of deceit or deception to lure the victim through concealment, misrepresentation, or a series of false statements. It is a serious crime …