What is telehealth? Imagine if your physician made a house call but didn’t physically have to be inside your home to treat you. That’s precisely what it is. You can think of it as a virtual consultation. A Zoom-call, if you will, with your doctor. Contrary to what you might think, the concept of virtual doctor consultation isn’t new. It’s …
Who Is Liable for an Accident on an Easement?
You receive a letter in the mail from your utility company. It is a request to allow the county power lines to go through your property for the next five years as the city carries out major renovations on the public freeway nearby. It’s a strange request. You’re left wondering whether that’s even legal. On further inquiry, you realize that …
Is It Legal to Own an Owl – Legal Q&A on Protected Birds
For most people, the word “pet” refers to dogs, cats, turtles, rabbits, goldfish, and other animals that you can easily domesticate. You could even keep a pet parrot if you like, or a couple of chickens in your backyard. But, for other people, those animals are a little too mainstream for their liking. They prefer to have something a little …
Can You Reverse a Wire Transfer?
Anytime you’re making a large purchase, it is generally considered good practice to double or even triple check the details of the recipient of the funds in question. But, sometimes, despite your best efforts, you realize afterward that you entered the wrong account number. Now, what? In other instances, you may wire money to a bank account only to later …
Cryptocurrency and the Law: Emerging Lawsuits
When Satoshi Nakamoto first envisioned a digital currency that would use a decentralized network of computers to keep track of transactions, no one could have ever imagined that his idea would evolve into what it is today. This was the seed that would later germinate into the cryptocurrency market as we know it. Bitcoin is perhaps the most familiar of …
Is It Illegal to Go on the Dark Web?
Ah, the deep, dark web – a mysterious digital netherworld where anything is possible. A place in cyberspace most people will never see in their lifetime. A shadowy underworld that sparks intrigue and fear in equal measure. The dark web is mostly perceived as an online repository for infinite amounts of backend information that’s available to the highest bidder. A …
Is It Legal to Shoot Down a Drone?
It’s a sunny Sunday. You’re in your backyard grilling some hotdogs and burgers for your family, as the kids splash about in the pool – the perfect way to spend a summer afternoon. Moments later, you hear what sounds like a high-pitched whirring sound coming from above. You look up and spot a drone hovering over your property. You give …
Where Is Gambling Legal?
Gambling is a fun pastime for anyone looking to inject a bit of thrill and excitement into their life. If you’ve been to Vegas before, then you understand this fact all too well. But, before you dive in headfirst, you need to establish what your state gaming law defines as “legal gambling.” Otherwise, you might just find yourself behind bars …