When hundreds or even thousands of people all suffer the same harmful effects of the same individual or entity, rather than file several different lawsuits, those people can come together to form a “class.” That way, they can all file a single lawsuit known as a “class action.” Class action suits arise for several reasons, including defective products such as …
Can I Sue for a Work-Related Injury?
According to a recent report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were a total of 2.7 million nonfatal work-related injuries in 2020. These included everything from repetitive motion injuries, slips and falls, car accidents, and manual materials handling. The most common occupational hazards reported were falls, most of which resulted in traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, broken bones, …
How Long Does a Personal Injury Lawsuit Take?
You’ve been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence. You’re trying to figure out whether it is worthwhile to pursue a personal injury lawsuit. You’re not entirely sure how long the whole process is going to take. Your piling medical expenses and the fact that you can no longer earn a living as you used to are taking a …
Hernia Mesh Lawsuit Update – 2022
In 2016, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning that they received several reports of health-related complications resulting from recalled products used in hernia repair. According to a press release, the agency stated that pain, recurrence, infection, obstruction, adhesion, and perforation were some of the prevalent complications patients reported. For decades, surgeons have relied on mesh to help …
A Timeline of Texas Chemical Plant Explosions and Legal Ramifications
Any place where hydrocarbons, natural gas, or volatile chemicals are processed, stored or used carries with it a high risk for explosions if something goes wrong. Nonetheless, chemical releases, plant explosions, and fires are entirely preventable if petrochemical companies comply with the statutory safety procedures and regulations. More often than not, if you examine companies involved in chemical plant explosions, …
When Does a Birth Injury or Complication Warrant a Lawsuit?
If there ever were a time when qualified medical care was critical, it would be during the birth of a newborn child. Expectant parents want their children to be born healthy. That last thing they expect to hear is that complications during birth and delivery have resulted in a birth injury. Unfortunately, these types of injuries usually cause a permanent …
Activision Blizzard Lawsuit Over Sexual Harassment Settles at $18M
In July 2021, Activision Blizzard, the gaming giant behind hit franchises Candy Crush, World of Warcraft, and Call of Duty, was hit with a civil lawsuit in California. The Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) filed a complaint citing allegations of sexual harassment, gender discrimination, and other potential violations that go against the equal pay laws in the state. …
Can You Sue a Manufacturer?
Product manufacturers have a responsibility to ensure that the products they make are safe for consumers. If a flaw in the manufacturing process or the failure to properly label a product results in an injury, they can be held liable in a civil lawsuit. That being said, it doesn’t always mean the suit will hold up in court, and if …
Can I Sue the United States Government?
Maybe you had a slip and fall incident at the local post office, and you ended up with a fractured ankle. Perhaps an FBI agent swerved past you on the freeway, causing you to lose control of your vehicle and ram into other cars. The point is – a federal agency or employee was responsible for your injury. Naturally, the …
Can Gun Manufacturers Be Sued?
Nearly every sector of the American economy could potentially face civil and product liability lawsuits if they’re found culpable. This has been used as a way to keep irresponsible manufacturers and rogue retailers in check. As with all things, however, there is an exception to that all-important rule, and that’s the gun industry. In 2005, Congress enacted the Protection of …